
Outrage Over Deadly Gaza Hospital Strike

today10/18/2023 20

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The strike on Gaza hospital compound which health officials said had killed at least 200 people has provoked outrage and condemnation from around the world, with protests on the streets of Amman, Tunis, Beirut and Tehran.

The Palestinian militant group Hamas, which runs the territory, accused Israel of being behind the explosion, while the Israeli army has described the accusations as lies, blamed it on a misfired rocket attack by Hamas ally Islamic Jihad.

Speaking on the attack, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he was horrified by the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in a strike on a hospital in Gaza.

Guterres strongly condemned the strike but without attributing responsibility.

Written by: Helen Obih

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Biden Supports Israeli Account of Hospital Strike in Gaza

The US President, Joe Biden who was on a solidarity visit to Israel on Wednesday has backed the ally’s account that Palestinian militants caused a devastating hospital strike in Gaza, adding that Hamas had brought only suffering. Biden said he was deeply saddened and outraged by the explosion at the hospital in Gaza yesterday. Health authorities in Hamas-ruled Gaza said the explosion killed about 200 and 300 people and was […]

today10/18/2023 15

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