
Kano Government Introduces Competency Examination for Civil Servants

today10/18/2023 22

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The Kano State Head of Service, Usman Bala, has explained the reasons behind the recent introduction of competency examination for the state civil servants.

Bala said the measure would serve as a yardstick for promoting officers not only on the basis of satisfactory years of service but on performance and ability to deliver the exigencies of official responsibilities on the promoted grade.

This is contained in a statement by the Director, Public Enlightenment, Civil Service Commission, Musa Garba.

According to Garba, the Head of Service made the clarification when the chairman of the state CSC, Umar Minjibir, led the management staff of the commission on a courtesy visit to the HoS on Tuesday.

He further satated that efforts are being made to encourage and improve the adoption of Information and Communication Technology in the daily running of government businesses.

Written by: Helen Obih

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today10/18/2023 20

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